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[caption id="attachment_17616" align="alignleft" width="300"]industri farmasiQUADRUPLE HELIX,JURUS BARU HADAPI PERSAINGAN GLOBAL[/caption]

Corporate Secretary Bio Farma,M.Rahman Roestan,Tarek Ibrahim Mahmoud,Business Development & Marketing Manager Arabio,Saudi Arabio,Direktur Riset dan Pengembangan Bisnis Kimia Farma,M.Wahyuli Syafari ,Pakar Farmasi Unpad,Keri Lestari saat Seminar Nasional di Universitas Padjadjaran,Bandung. Negara-negara Islam sepakati kemandirian dalam produksi vaksin melalui program Self-Reliance Vaccine Production and Availability. Sekelompok ilmuan,peneliti,pemangku kebijakan dan pimpinan BUMN bidang farmasi berkumpul di kampus Unpad bandung,Sabtu(9/6).Mereka menggagas konsep baru,yaitu Quadruple Helix dalam Seminar Nasional bertajuk Strategi Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Biologi dalam Menghadapi Persaingan Pasar Farmasi Global melalui pendekatan Quadruple Helix. “Quadruple Helixmerupakan konsep baru ,dimana sebelumnya masih dikenal dengan istilah Triple Helix yang erupakan kolaborasi antaraacademic,buseness,government (ABG)”.Dan kali ini ditambahkan satu unsur lagi yaitu asosiasi atau organisasi yang menaungi industry farmasi,dalam hal ini adalah Gabungan Perusahaan Farmasi Indonesia,” ucap Prof Dr Ernie Tisnawati Sule,SE,MM,Pakar Manajemen Strategi DIM Unpad. Tidak dimungkiri,industri farmasi di Indonesia memiliki kelebihan dibandingkan dengan industri farmasi di Negara – Negara lain ,dengan kekayaan alam sumber obat- obatan yang melimpah.’’Pemanfaatan keanekaragaman hayati merupakan salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan industri ini .Hal yang diperlukan saaat ini oleh industri nasional untuk meningkat daya saingnya adalah meningkatkan kemampuan risetnya,”ucap Direktur Eksekutif Gabungan Perusashaan Farmasi Indonesia,Drs Darodjatun Sanusi,MBA. Salah satu karya terbaik adalah hasil penelitian Dr Keri Leastarai,Apt,MS,pakar Farmasi Unpad yang menemukan pengobatan untuk penderita diabetes dari buah pala (Myristica fragnans).Hasil penelitian ini sudah dipatenkan dan PT.Kimia Farma yang akan memproduksi massal penemuan tersebut dengan label Glukopala. Sementara itu,produk vaksin yang menjadi garda terdepan ketahanan kesehatan bangsa,juga masih tertinggal.”Indonesia tertinggal 5-15 tahun dari multinasional lain di bidang produksi vaksin,”ujar Corporate Secretary PT.Bio Farma Indonesia ,M.Rahman Roestan ,S.Si,Apt.,MBA.Namun,Bio Farma tidak tinggal diam,dengan menggulirkan Forum Riset Vaksin Nasional yang di rintis sejak tahun 2011 untuk mewujudkan kemandirian produksi vaksin nasional,dengan menggandeng Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi,Kementerian Kesehatan,Akademisi serta Bio Farma sebagai produsen.Bio Farma yang tercatat sebagai salah satu dari sekitar 30 perusahaan dari 200 perusahaan vaksin di dunia yang diakui World Healt Organisasi (WHO) ini,juga mampu tampil sebagai motor penggerak kerja sama kalangan Industri Vksin Negara-negara islam (Organization of the Islamic Coorperation-OIC). OIC menyepakati kemandirian dalam produksi vaksin dengan membuat sebuah program bersama Self-Reliance Vaccine Production and Availability (SRVPA).Inti dari pendirian asosiasi ini adalah untuk menjamin kemandirian produksi vaksin dan ketersediaan vaksin yang berkualitas untuk Negara-negara anggotaOIC dengan harga yang terjangkau. Tarek Ibrahim Mahmoud,Business Development & Marketing Manager Arabio,Saudi Arabio ,produksi vaksin ternama dari Saudi Arabia yang juga tampil sebagai pembicaraan mengatakan,vaksin tidak memiliki alternatif seperti halnya obat generik dalam dunia pengobatan.”Sehingga diperlukan teknologi pengembangan vaksun yang lebih aman,efektif dan hemat biaya,”ujarnya. Pasar vaksin,lanjut Mahed,juga akan terus meningkat seiring pesatnya angka populasi  penduduk dunia saat ini.”Sejak tahun 2011 masih didominasi vaksin untuk anak-anak.Namun,beberapa tahun kedepan,kebutuhan vaksin dewasa akan jauh lebih meningkat,”ucapnya. Koran Tempo, 15/16 September 2014

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300"]industri farmasiQUADRUPLE HELIX, THE NEW WAY TO FACE GLOBAL COMPETITION[/caption]

Corporate Secretary Bio Farma, M.Rahman Roestan, Tarek Ibrahim Mahmoud, Business Development & Marketing Manager of Arabio, Saudi Arabio, Director of Research and Business Development of Kimia Farma, M.Wahyuli Syafari, Pharmacy Experts from Padjadjaran University, Keri Lestari when the National Seminar in the  Padjadjaran University, Bandung. The Islamic countries have agreed on the Self-Reliance in vaccine production through Self-Reliance Vaccine Production and Availability Program. A group of scientists, researchers, policy makers and Leaders of BUMN in pharmaceutical fields gathered in the campus of Padjadjaran University of Bandung, Saturday (9/6) .They initiated a new concept, namely the Quadruple Helix in the National Seminar entitled Biological Resource Utilization Strategies in Facing Global Pharmaceutical Market Competition through Quadruple Helix approach. "Quadruple Helix is a new concept, which previously was known as the Triple Helix which was the collaboration between academic, buseness, Government (ABG)". And this time it is added with further element that is association or organization that houses the pharmaceutical industry, in this case is the Indonesian Pharmaceutical Company Association, "said Prof. Dr. Ernie Tisnawati Sule, SE, MM, DIM Strategy Management Expert of Padjadjaran University. It can not be denied, the pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia has advantages compared to the pharmaceutical industry in other countries, with a wealth of natural resources of drugs which are abundnat. '' The use of biodiversity is one of the ways to improve the industry. What is necessary today by the national industry for increasing the national competitiveness is improving the ability of research, "said Executive Director of the Indonesia Pharmaceutical Company Association , Drs Darodjatun Sanusi, MBA. One of the best work is the research of Dr. Keri Leastari, Apt, MS, Pharmacy experts from Padjadjaran University who find treatment for diabetics from the nutmeg fruits (Myristica fragnans). The results of this research have been patented and PT.Kimia Farma that will mass produce the invention with the label of Glukopala. Meanwhile, the vaccine products which are the frontline of the health resilience of the nation, is also left behind. "Indonesia has left behind other multinational 5-15 years in the field of vaccine production," said the Corporate Secretary of PT.Bio Farma Indonesia, M.Rahman Roestan, S.Si , Apt., MBA. However, Bio Farma does not let it, by holding the national Vaccine Research Forum which pioneered since 2011 to realize the self-reliance of the national vaccine production, by cooperating with the Ministry of Research and Technology, Ministry of Health, Academician as well as Bio Farma as a producer. Bio Farma which is listed as one of about 30 companies out of 200 world vaccine companies recognized by world Healt Organisation (WHO), is also able to perform as a driving force of cooperation among the vaccine industry of the Islamic countries (Organization of the Islamic Coorperation-OIC ). OIC agreed to self-reliance in vaccine production by creating a joint program of Self-Reliance Vaccine Production and Availability (SRVPA). The point of the establishment of this association is to ensure the Self-Reliance of vaccine production and availability of qualified vaccines for the countries which are the members of OIC at an affordable price. Tarek Ibrahim Mahmoud, Business Development & Marketing Manager of Arabio, Saudi Arabio, and vaccine manufacturer from Saudi Arabia who also appeared as the speaker said that the vaccine does not have any alternative as well as the generic drugs of the treatment in the world. "So, we need the development technology of vaccine which is safer, effective and effective cost, "he said. The vaccine market, Mahed continued, also will continue to increase as the rapid rate of world population today. "Since 2011 it was dominated by vaccine for children. However, the next few years, the need for adult vaccines will be much increased," he said. Koran Tempo, September 15/16, 2014

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